Seller Logic


Maximize your Amazon Seller profits with the SellerLogic Intelligent Repricing Tool. Designed to win you more Buy Box exposure, this innovative software adjusts your product prices automatically to keep you on top of Amazon price developments and ahead of your competition.
SellerLogic is one of the best-rated Amazon repricing services available today. Equipped with advanced technologies to optimize your prices and get you one step closer to the Buy Box, it can help you win with different optimization strategies to ensure you always offer the best price. Customizable with various levels of automation, it is a great investment for Amazon Sellers, manufacturers, and private label providers

Intelligent process optimization and profit maximization
What does SellerLogic offer?
Dynamic price optimization enables SellerLogic to efficiently and comfortably maximize profits in e-commerce (Amazon).

Intelligent pricing control for Amazon – comprehensive features for every automation claim
Transparency of Amazon FBA processes
Persistent monitoring of Amazon FBA processes for errors. Deviations are documented and processed for a case opening.

Thorough examination
Automated analysis of FBA orders, returns and inventory.

Simple, intuitive operation
Easy to use thanks to structured processes.

A glimpse into the past
Some errors can be reported 18 months retroactively.

Reports of errors found
A detailed report is generated for each error found.

Enormous time savings
Use your time for more important things and let us do the search.