Scientific Seller


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Who Else Wants More Amazon Sales – With No Hard Work?
How would you like to make more Amazon sales every single month without investing any more time than you are right now?

Our results have shown as much as a 10% bump in monthly Amazon sales by simply using smarter keyword research software.

And the best part? This software happens to be free.

Free Keyword Research Tool
Our keyword research tool provides the most accurate Amazon buyer keyword information, period.

Amazon Research Blog
Our blog contains the latest information we’ve learned about Amazon selling.

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We’ll also send you our whitepaper, “Stuff Words”: How to Squeeze Every Last Ounce of Traffic From Your Amazon Keywords.

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We pride ourselves in thinking small. Tiny changes create big results on Amazon:

A fraction of a percentage increase in your conversion rate can be the difference between ranking #1 for your keyword vs. nowhere to be found.
Missing a few keywords in your research phase can easily cut sales by 10+%. There’s a compounding effect there, too.
Fewer Sales => Lower Rankings.
Testing your title tag will skyrocket your click thru rate.
More Clicks => More Sales => Higher Rankings => Even More Sales.
These are just a few examples of areas Amazon sellers struggle to optimize without the proper data. Yet, Amazon is the last place you ever want to “wing it,” despite how tough they make it for you to analyze results.

Our goal is to win you the edge over all your Amazon competitors. No science degree necessary.